Author: Ramon Fernández Mir
Date: 4th May 2022
import CvxLean.Syntax.Minimization
import CvxLean.Tactic.Solver.Conic
open CvxLean
/- # Verified Optimization #
This is the continuation of Alex's talk last week. I'll focus on how to solve
the optimization problem once it's been transformed and reduced to conic form.
First, let's recall a couple of things. What was the idea?
We start with problems that look like:
minimize cᵀx
subject to exp(y) ≤ log(a√x + b)
ax + by = d
Then apply the `dcp` tactic and end up with a conic optimization problem:
minimize cᵀx
subject to Ax = b
Gx - h ∈ K <-- 🍦
Now we can call an external solver and get a result. We will illustrate how to
do that using an example. We will only look at semidefinite programs today.
open Matrix
#print PSDCone -- M ∈ 𝒫 ↔ ∀x. xᵀMx ≥ 0 ↔ M = LᵀL
/- **Semidefinite Programming**
We have the following problem:
minimize ⟨C, X⟩
subject to ⟨A, X⟩ = b
X ≽ 0
* New syntax following last week's suggestions.
* Attribute `optimizationParam`.
open Minimization
noncomputable def C : Matrix (Finₓ 2) (Finₓ 2) ℝ :=
fun i j => #[#[1, 0], #[0, 1]][i.val][j.val]
noncomputable def A : Matrix (Finₓ 2) (Finₓ 2) ℝ :=
fun i j => #[#[1, 0], #[0, 1]][i.val][j.val]
noncomputable def b : ℝ := 8.0
noncomputable def problem : Minimization (Matrix (Finₓ 2) (Finₓ 2) ℝ) ℝ :=
optimization (X : Matrix (Finₓ 2) (Finₓ 2) ℝ)
minimize posDefObjective C X
subject to
A : affineConstraint A X b
P : PSDCone X
/- **Conic Benchmark Form (CBF)**
The first step to find a solution is to convert it to a format that a convex
optimization solver can understand. In our case, we will use MOSEK.
* See `solver/test.cbf`.
open Mosek
#check CBF.Problem
#check SDPForm.toCBF
/- **The Solution Format**
Now we send it to MOSEK and get a solution back.
* See `solver/test.sol`.
#check Sol.Result
/- **Generating the Certificate**
The dual of `problem` is the following optimization problem:
maximize yb
subject to C = yA + Z
Z ≽ 0
If the primal problem is feasible and bounded, MOSEK will give us a feasible
point (y, Z).
Theorem [Weak Duality]. If X is primal-feasible and (y, Z) is dual-feasible,
then yb ≤ ⟨C, X⟩
⟨C, X⟩ = tr(C ⬝ X)
... = tr((yA + Z) ⬝ X)
... = y tr(A ⬝ X) + tr(Z ⬝ X)
... = y ⟨A, X⟩ + ⟨Z, X⟩
... = yb + ⟨Z, X⟩
We have that ⟨Z, X⟩ ≥ 0 as Z, X ≽ 0. Therefore, yb ≤ ⟨C, X⟩. ∎
Theorem [Strong Duality]. If, moreover ⟨C, X⟩ ≤ yb, then the X is an optimal
If X' is any other feasible point, by weak duality, yb ≤ ⟨C, X'⟩. By
assumption (and le_trans) it follows that ⟨C, X⟩ ≤ ⟨C, X'⟩. ∎
The certificate consists of a primal-feasible point X, a dual-feasible point
(y, Z) such that ⟨C, X⟩ ≤ yb.
open ProofBuilder
#check Certificate
/- **The `sdp_solve` Tactic**
Putting everything together:
`Minimization` --> `SDPForm` --> `CBF` - MOSEK -> `Sol` --> `Solution`
Feasibility checks are performed with floats using epsilon-equality. For PSD
constraints, we use Choleksy. They are all proved by `nativeDecide`.
* We cheat! The certificate is checked but `Certificate.toSolution` is sorry'd.
* Also try C = [[1,1],[1,0]].
noncomputable def solutionProblem : Solution problem := by
simp only [problem]; sdp_solve
noncomputable def solutionProblemSteps : Solution problem := by
simp only [problem]; sdp_solve_aux; generate_certificate
def M : Matrix (Fin 6) (Fin 6) Float :=
fun i j => #[
#[162.567854, 0.000152, -0.641777, -0.002118, 0.035966, -0.539276],
#[0.000152, 0.291377, -0.012871, -0.038565, -0.015640, 0.004843],
#[-0.641777, -0.012871, 0.037331, 0.009107, -0.001111, -0.014027],
#[-0.002118, -0.038565, 0.009107, 0.098373, 0.001268, -0.005323],
#[0.035966, -0.015640, -0.001111, 0.001268, 0.010215, 0.000490],
#[-0.539276, 0.004843, -0.014027, -0.005323, 0.000490, 0.027336]][i][j]
lemma PSDM : Matrix.Computable.posDef M := by nativeDecide
/- **Reals and Floats**
The `realToFloat` procedure takes "any" real-valued expression and gives us its
floating-point equivalent.
* No executable code for `Nat.decidableEq` from mathbin.
#realToFloat Real.exp 1
#realToFloat @Minimization.mk ℝ ℝ id (fun x => x <= 0)
#realToFloat A
/- **Conclusion and Future Work**
The priority right now is to make sure that any conic program can be encoded.
The next question is: what do we do with the certificate? There are different
levels of rigour:
0. Do nothing, trust the solver.
1. Check that things are almost equal and almost PSD (some theory needed here).
2. Small axiomatization of errors introduced by float operations + lemmas.
3. Full formalization of IEEE standard (volunteers?) + many lemmas.
We're currently at 0.5. With rigour = 1, we wouldn't have a proof but we could
give some confidence interval and bounds. With rigour ≥ 2, we could have
something like ValidSDP (https://github.com/validsdp/validsdp).
If the problem is rational, there are tricks to recover rational certificates
from the floating point certificate.
A potential user: https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~romik/movingsofa/.